Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Writer's Way North 2nd Meeting

Ok, so the immediacy of blogging sometimes gets overshadowed by running a business, managing a household, and juggling 2 kids and a husband. That said Dear Reader, I don’t want you to miss out on information that could possibly be THE nugget that you need to make huge changes in your life, so you will go on to be successful and renowned beyond your wildest dreams all because you read about Star Dargin on my little ‘ole blog.

Dramatic? Me? Maybe, but then again maybe not :).

The Way North Writer’s Group met for the second time earlier this month. Once again the meeting was held at the lovely home of Linda Formechelli and Eric Martin.

Our featured speaker was Star Dargin a consultant and coach. Star lead us through some goal setting activities for our writing in 2008. We had another great turn out and Star did a great job of keeping us on track while also allowing us to share suggestions and inspire one another.

Coaches are becoming more and more popular. I’ve always though of myself as the kind of person that can self-motivate, but as I close in on my 40th year, I find that while I get many things done, I’m REALLY good at putting of the things that I claim are most important to me.

Star and I have a sample coaching call scheduled for early next month. I’ve told her I’m not sure I’m a) ready or b) have the time to commit a coaching relationship, right now, but I am interested in learning more.

If you are interested, you can learn more about the services Star offers at

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